Ready to Open Your Business Account?
We will need your personal information, including legal name, date of birth, Social Security Number, physical address, and valid ID to get started.
We will also need the legal business name, the Tax ID or Employer ID number (EIN), the date the business was established, nature of the business, number of employees, annual revenues/method of revenues, location of the business, and the location type. We will need to know all beneficial owners of the business who have a 25% stake and will also ask for the person who is primarily in control on the account.
Call 1-800-762-7419 for any questions you might have about the account opening process.
Specific requirements for different business types are listed below.
Sole Proprietorship DBA
- Assumed Name Certification (Texas and Minnesota)/Trademark Registration (Wisconsin)/Business License (Tennessee)
- EIN SS-4, if you are not using your own Social Securty Number. If you are using your Social Security Number, the account must be in your name. Doing Business As (DBA) is allowed.
- Articles of Organization
- Operating Agreement/Corporate Resolution (multi-member requirement)
- Certificate of Status
- EIN SS-4 (only if they are not using a SSN)
Partnership (LP, LLP, or General)
- Partnership Agreement, or Registration of Partnership for LP or LLP
- EIN SS-4
- Articles of Incorporation
- Operating Agreement/Corporate Resolution
- Certificate of Status
- EIN SS-4
Non-Profit – 501(c)(3) status
- Articles of Incorporation
- 501(c)(3) status
- Operating Agreement/Corporate Resolution or Bylaws
- Certificate of Status
- EIN SS-4
- EIN SS-4